Waar vind ik Acrobat DC?
Stap 1: Adobe Acrobat Reader DC downloaden (1) Het programma is te gebruiken in het Nederlands. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC is te downloaden van de website van Adobe. Klik hierboven op de knop Download om de website van Adobe te openen. U komt dan op de juiste pagina terecht.
Heb ik Acrobat Reader nodig?
Heb ik Acrobat Pro of Acrobat Standard nodig om de gratis versie van Acrobat Reader DC te kunnen gebruiken? Nee. Acrobat Reader DC is een gratis, zelfstandige app waarmee u PDF-bestanden kunt openen, weergeven, ondertekenen, afdrukken, annoteren, doorzoeken en delen.
Hoe Adobe reader installeren?
Ga als volgt te werk om Acrobat Reader DC te installeren met Google Chrome.
- Sluit alle versies van Reader.
- Ga naar de Adobe Acrobat Reader-downloadpagina en klik op Nu installeren.
- Klik op Opslaan om het installatieprogramma Reader te downloaden.
What is Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software?
About: Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software is the free global standard for reliably viewing, printing, and commenting on PDF documents. And now, it’s connected to the Adobe Document Cloud − making it easier than ever to work across computers and mobile devices. It’s the only PDF viewer that can open and interact with all types of PDF content,…
What is adadobe Acrobat DC?
Adobe Acrobat DC is a software where you can easily and efficiently create, edit, collect e-signatures and comments, and send large PDF files. Edit, e-sign and store PDFs securely.
How do I install Acrobat Reader DC using Internet Explorer?
Follow these steps to install Acrobat Reader DC using Internet Explorer. Close all versions of Reader. Close any browser that is displaying a PDF. Go to the Adobe Acrobat Reader download page and click Install now. You need Windows 7 or later to run Acrobat Reader DC.
How do I download an older version of Acrobat Reader?
If you’re running an older version of Windows, the Adobe Reader download page looks like this: You can install an older version of Acrobat Reader. For instructions, see Install an older version of Adobe Reader | Windows. When the Opening dialog box appears, click Save File. Press Ctrl+J to open the download Library.