Wat is congruentie gedrag?

Wat is congruentie gedrag?

Congruentie betekent overeenstemming tussen denken, voelen en handelen. Deze term kreeg door Carl Rogers veel aandacht. In de praktijk is er vaak een verschil tussen wat we denken en voelen, of tussen wat we denken en zeggen. Dit verschil wordt ook genoemd niet congruent zijn, of discongruent zijn.

Wat is Waardencongruentie?

organisaties die teweeg wordt gebracht wanneer ten minste één van de twee entiteiten voorziet wat de ander nodig heeft of ze beiden fundamentele karakteristieken delen (Kristof, 1996). Supplementaire fit behelst het delen van waarden met de organisatie, ook wel waardencongruentie (WC) genoemd.

What does incongruent mean?

The definition of incongruent is not the same, not compatible or out of place. When you take one position on something and then a second later you take a contrary position, this is an example of a situation where your statements would be described as incongruent. Out of place, incompatible, inharmonious, not congruent.

What does incongruent mean in psychology?

Incongruence is a humanistic psychology concept developed by Carl Rogers which suggests that unpleasant feelings can result from a discrepancy between our perceived and ideal self. The perceived self is how an individual views themselves and the ideal self is how an individual wishes they were. When these overlap then congruence occurs.

What does congruent mean in mental health?

Mental Health Services. In counseling, congruence means that a person’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors are working together to achieve one’s goals. People often become frustrated when their actions or the actions of others violate their beliefs, desires, feelings, or intentions. Those frustrations can lead to feelings of depression, anger,…

What is an example of congruent?

The definition of congruent is something that agrees with or is in harmony with another. An example of congruent is two people sharing a similar opinion about something.

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