Hoeveel geld kan je versturen met Western Union?
Je kunt bij Western Union vanuit Nederland online tot maximaal €5000 euro in één keer verzenden. Het maakt niet uit naar welk land je geld overmaakt of op welke manier je dat doet. Het maakt ook niet uit hoe het geld wordt opgenomen. Je kunt niet direct €5000 overmaken als je Western Union gebruikt.
Waarom kan ik geen geld sturen via Western Union?
Zorg ervoor dat uw kaart is aangemeld voor veilige verificatie door contact op te nemen met uw bank of u aan te melden bij uw online bankieren en de optie te selecteren in uw beveiligingsinstellingen. Zorg ervoor dat uw contactgegevens up-to-date zijn in uw profiel voor online bankieren en Western Union.
What is The MTCN number for Western Union?
What’s a tracking number (MTCN Number)? You receive a 10-digit Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) on the receipt you get each time you send money via Western Union. This Western Union tracking number will allow you to check on the status of your money transfer.
Do you need a tracking number for Western Union transfers?
You must provide your receiver with the unique Western Union tracking number (MTCN) once you make the money transfer and get your receipt. Your receiver will need to provide that MTCN and a government-issued ID to the agent at the Western Union agent location. Does the MTCN make my transfer more secure?
What is an MTCN tracking number (MTCN)?
A tracking number (MTCN) will be generated for every Western Union ® transfer. Whether you’re sending internationally from wu.com to a bank account or sending across the country from an agent location to a friend or family member, it’s important to keep your MTCN tracking number safe.
How do I use The MTCN for money transfers?
Both you and your receiver will use the MTCN. You will use the Western Union tracking number to check the status of the transfer. The receiver will use the MTCN to pick up the transferred funds. You will also need the MTCN if you need to contact Customer Care about a money transfer. Created with Sketch.