Hoe wissel je een Play Store kaart in?

Hoe wissel je een Play Store kaart in?

Ga naar play.google.com/redeem. Geef je code op. Klik op Inwisselen….Je cadeaukaart, cadeaucode of promotiecode gebruiken

  1. Open de Google Play-app .
  2. Tik rechtsboven op het profielicoon.
  3. Tik op Betalingen en abonnementen. Cadeaucode inwisselen.
  4. Vul de code in.

Hoe YouTube Premium betalen?

Een betaald YouTube-premium abonnement afsluiten De eenvoudigste manier om toegang te krijgen tot YouTube Premium-inhoud is door je te registreren voor een betaalde account met je creditcard of bankrekening. Dit kost je maandelijks 11,99 euro. Om je op de dienst te abonneren, ga je naar de website van YouTube Premium.

Why are my YouTube gift cards not valid in my country?

If you see a message saying YouTube gift cards are not valid in your country/region, confirm that your gift card country/region matches your country/region of residence. If you need to correct your address or home country/region in your Google Account, you may not be able to use your existing Google Play credit.

How to pay for YouTube with a Google gift card?

Add Money to Google Play Balance to Pay for YouTube 1 Sign into the Google Account you’d like to use to redeem your gift card. 2 Visit the URL listed on your gift card or go to youtube.com/redeem. 3 Enter the code on your gift card. 4 Click Next. See More….

How do I redeem a Google Play gift card in Mexico?

For issues with your Google Play balance, contact Google Play support. You can buy gift cards at many retailers in Mexico, including many Oxxo locations, in increments of MX$100, MX$300, or MX$600. Sign into the Google Account you’d like to use to redeem your gift card. Visit the URL listed on your gift card or go to youtube.com/redeem.

How do I send an Uber Eats gift card to someone?

To send a gift card instantly from your app to a friend or family member’s app, tap on Send a Gift in the menu of the Uber app or the Account section of the Uber Eats app.

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