Wat is de huidige Euribor?

Wat is de huidige Euribor?

Euribor tarief zoeken op datum

1 weeks Euribor -0,569 % meer informatie over 1 weeks Euribor
1 maands Euribor -0,567 % meer informatie over 1 maands Euribor
2 maands Euribor meer informatie over 2 maands Euribor
3 maands Euribor -0,572 % meer informatie over 3 maands Euribor
4 maands Euribor meer informatie over 4 maands Euribor

Wat is de Libor affaire?

De Londen Interbank Offered Rate (Liborrente) is een graadmeter voor de rente die banken rekenen als ze geld aan elkaar lenen. Elke ochtend geven de zestien aangesloten Londense banken het tarief door waartegen ze denken geld te kunnen lenen.

Wat is de huidige vaste rentevoet?

Hoeveel bedraagt je rentevoet

Looptijd lening (in jaar)
24 1,76%
25 1,80%
26 1,84%
27 1,88%

What is the current rate for a 3 month Treasury bill?

3 Month Treasury Bill Rate is at 0.04%, compared to 0.05% the previous market day and 1.55% last year. This is lower than the long term average of 4.26%. Report

Where can I find the 3-month Treasury bill (tb3ms)?

Please review the copyright information in the series notes before sharing. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US), 3-Month Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate [TB3MS], retrieved from FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis; https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/TB3MS, September 15, 2021.

What is the long term average rate of the Treasury?

Treasury Long-Term Average Rate and Extrapolation Factors. Beginning February 18, 2002, Treasury ceased publication of the 30-year constant maturity series. Instead, from February 19, 2002 through May 28, 2004, Treasury published a Long-Term Average Rate, “LT>25,” (not to be confused with the Long-Term Composite Rate, definitions below).

What was the 3 month Treasury yield in 1981?

Historically, the 3 month treasury yield reached upwards of 17.14% in 1981 and nearly reached 0 in the 2010s after the Great Recession.

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