Hoe werkt Edifact?

Hoe werkt Edifact?

De EDIFACT standaard bestaat uit een grote set van berichtbeschrijvingen. Elk van deze berichtbeschrijvingen ondersteund een bepaald bedrijfsproces, bijvoorbeeld een catalogus, een order of een factuur. In totaal zijn er meer dan 200 berichten beschreven.

Welke EDI berichten zijn er?

Lees het hier!

  1. INVOIC. De Invoice Message gebruiken klanten en leveranciers om digitale facturen met elkaar uit te wisselen.
  2. APERAK. De Application Error and Acknowledgement, kortweg APERAK genoemd, is een ander EDIFACT-bericht dat veel voorkomt.
  3. DESADV.
  4. IFTMAN.
  5. IFTMIN.
  6. INVRPT.
  7. ORDERS.
  8. ORDRSP.

What is Edi and how does it work?

What is EDI? Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the computer-to-computer exchange of business documents in a standard electronic format between business partners.

What are the different types of EDI networks for the automotive industry?

Industry-Specific Networks. In addition to the traditional EDI VAN providers, the automotive industry is served by a number of regional private networks. The most popular networks are the American Network eXchange (ANX), European Network eXchange (ENX) and the Japanese Network eXchange (JNX).

What are the benefits of electronic business documents (EDI)?

By moving from a paper-based exchange of business document to one that is electronic, businesses enjoy major benefits such as reduced cost, increased processing speed, reduced errors and improved relationships with business partners. Learn more about the benefits of EDI here. »

What are the different types of EDI documents for autoexchange?

Exchange of CAD files is a common problem within the automotive industry due to the sensitive nature and large size of the files being transferred. In addition to the more traditional EDI documents such as ANSI X12 and EDIFACT, a number of regional standards have been used to support the car manufacturers in Europe.

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