Wat kun je van vis bij betta zetten?
Een Betta Splendens, ook wel kempvis genoemd, kan je enkel combineren met rustige vissen zoals de Chinese Danio, de Pantsermeerval, het Vuurzalmpje en de Kegelvlekbarbeel. Sluierstaarten en guppy’s zijn al te druk naar hun zin. Zet je meerdere betta’s samen, zorg dan voor 3 vrouwtjes per mannetje.
Kan een Betta in koud water?
Welke waterwaardes voor een betta aquarium? Een ding is zeker, de beestjes houden niet van koud water! Als de temperatuur in je bak onder de 20°C terugvalt, zal er van die sierlijk bewegende betta’s niet veel meer te merken zijn.
Can you keep a serpae tetra in a tank?
A school of serpae tetras swims in the middle or bottom water layer in a tank. You can keep these fishes in a community tank (more than 60 cm (24 in) long) together with rather active tank mates. The tank should be thickly planted and there also should be some fluctuants which will shade the tank in some areas.
Are Serpae tetras fin nippers?
Serpae Tetras have developed quite a bad reputation for being fin nippers. They can be very boisterous fish and constantly harass passive tank mates. They can be peaceful in a community setup but only (and I mean only) when they are kept with tank mates similar to their own size and disposition.
What kind of plants do Serpae tetras eat?
Plants are very important for Serpae Tetras. Not only do they often snack on the plants, but they provide shelter. In the wild, these fish are usually seen congregating around tree roots. They’ll do the same in your tank. Plants like Java Moss and Myriophyllum are good choices.
What is the scientific name of serpae tetra?
The common names of Serpae Tetra (Scientific Name: Hyphessobrycon eques) are blood characin, Callistus, Callistus Tetra, Jewel Tetra, Red Minor Tetra, and Red Serpae. And the fish belongs to the Characidae family. One of the main reasons that the Serpae Tetra is so popular is because of its deep red color.