Hoeveel is 30 watt LED?

Hoeveel is 30 watt LED?

Lumen vergelijken met Wattage

Type lamp 200-300 Lumen 300-500 Lumen
Gloeilamp 25-30 Watt 40 Watt
Halogeenlamp 18-25 Watt 35 Watt
Spaarlamp 5-6 Watt 8 Watt
LED-lamp 2-4 Watt 3-5 Watt

Hoeveel Lumen is 4000 Kelvin?

Hoe lager het getal, de kleurtempratuur, hoe warmer het licht is. Warm licht is is 3000 kelvin, koud licht is 4000 kelvin en daglicht is 6000 kelvin. Lumen is een maat voor de totale hoeveelheid zichtbaar licht die een lichtbron in alle richtingen uitstraalt.

Hoeveel watt is 5000 lumen?

De Led bouwlamp van 50 Watt geeft met 5.000 lumen ongeveer evenveel licht als een halogeen bouwlamp van 500 Watt. Ook hebben wij Led bouwlampen van 200 Watt.

What is par 30 led?

PAR30 LED Light Bulb | PAR 30 LED. What are PAR30 Bulbs? Parabolic aluminized reflector (PAR) 30 bulbs control light more precisely. They produce about four times the concentrated light intensity of general service A shape incandescents, and are used in recessed and track lighting.

What is the difference between incandescent and LED lights?

However, wattage actually indicates the amount of electricity the bulb needs to work; lumens measure light output. Because LED bulbs require less electricity to produce light, wattage ratings differ from those of incandescent bulbs . LED bulb manufacturers indicate the strength of the light that bulbs emit using lumens.

What does wattage mean in LED lighting?

Common LED lighting terms for efficiency and reliability Wattage What does it mean? Wattage is simply the measure of how much energy a lamp needs to light up. Replacement wattage What does it mean? Replacement wattage indicates the wattage of the traditional lamp that is being replaced by the LED bulb or fixture. Rated life What does it mean? Lumens What does it mean?

What is an incandescent light bulb?

An incandescent light bulb or light source is any device that uses electricity to heat a filament—or wire—until it is hot enough to glow white. If that were done in the open air, in the presence of oxygen, the metal filament would burn up before it got that hot.

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