Is Fury warrior still good in PvP?
Luckily, many of Fury Warrior’s weaknesses can be partially covered up through Conduits and Legendaries. Fury Warrior is still not doing particularly good in the meta, and Arms Warrior is still stronger for rated PvP, but at least it has an identity now.
How do you increase damage as a fury warrior?
Fury Warriors do not depend on one single trait to increase their damage. Instead, they want a mix of the above traits. Simmering Rage, Unbridled Ferocity and Pulverizing Blows both increase the damage of your next Rampage.
Are funfury Warriors good Wow?
Fury Warriors are a very unique melee specialization. They lack crowd control and have very little utility. However, they have very strong single-target cooldowns. What makes them scary is how quickly they can deal damage and how short their cooldowns are.
Does single-minded Fury increase damage done?
Single-Minded Fury, gives 12% increased damage done, not 8% for dual wielding a pair of 1h weapons.
What is the best talent to trade for Fury warrior?
Battle Trance is a near mandatory talent. Your primary goal as Fury Warrior is to be ahead on pressure, and more rage and sustained healing helps you with that. However, you may find yourself in situations where you need to trade in this ability for more defensive options. Master and Commander is the other near mandatory talent.
Is Fury a good DPS class?
Fury are incredibly rare on average low end dps warrior meters and as we can see are even worse then arms, which in some paired mob DPS do well but overall are shite. Fury is just tuned way the fuck down.
Is Fury better with or without a healer?
Fury seems to be better without a healer. Arms seems to be better with a healer. Arms is better in Groups, Fury is better Solo. All classes are better with healers to be perfectly honest. Sorry my friend, but you don’t get to post here asking what people think about fury with regards to pvp, then tell them they’re stupid for voicing their opinion.