Hoe inloggen op Bitvavo?
Bitvavo inloggen
- Ga naar de website Bitvavo.com en klik rechtsboven op ‘Inloggen’. Vul hier je emailadres en wachtwoord in.
- De Bitvavo app kan worden gedownload in de App Store of via Google Play.
- Vul hier de naam van je telefoon of iPad in.
- Nu kun je inloggen in de app van Bitvavo.
How do I reset the Google Authenticator app?
Click the Multi-Factor Authentication tab, then select one of these options: Generate a new QR code: Click the Reset button for the Google Authenticator app. Remove (unregister) one or more devices: Select the check box of the device(s) > click the Revoke button > click Yes to confirm.
How do I remove a device from my Google Authenticator account?
Generate a new QR code: Click the Reset button for the Google Authenticator app. Remove (unregister) one or more devices: Select the check box of the device (s) > click the Revoke button > click Yes to confirm. Click the user’s name in the yellow banner across the top of the screen to log out as that user and go back to your own user account.
How do I set up Google Authenticator on my iPhone?
Open Google Authenticator. This app icon looks like a grey “G” on a black background that you can find on one of your Home screens, in the app drawer, or by searching. You’ll need the backup code for your Google Authenticator account. Tap Begin. You’ll then need to tap through a tutorial before you can proceed.
How do I change the QR code on my Google Authenticator?
Once logged in as the user, click Settings > Security > User Manager and click the user account that you are currently logged in as. Generate a new QR code: Click the Reset button for the Google Authenticator app. Remove (unregister) one or more devices: Select the check box of the device (s) > click the Revoke button > click Yes to confirm.