What is the meaning of Defcon 5?
Officially known as the DEFense readiness CONdition, the DEFCON levels warning system has five status alerts or threat levels which indicate the current readiness condition of the United States military. DEFCON Level 1 is the highest US military alert status such as a state of war, and warning level 5 is the lowest alert condition. History.
What is DEFCON 1 condition level – COCKED PISTOL?
DEFCON 1 Condition Level – Cocked Pistol Or White Alert Status. What Is Defcon 1 Or “Cocked Pistol” Warning Level? DEFCON 1, also called “Cocked Pistol” or “white alert” is a maximum defense readiness condition created in 1959 by the joint chiefs of staff that means war, or a nuclear threat is imminent.
What is the DEFCON 1 alert level?
DEFCON 1, also called “Cocked Pistol” or “white alert” is a maximum defense readiness condition created in 1959 by the joint chiefs of staff that means war, or a nuclear threat is imminent. The alert color for DEFCON 1 alert level is white.
What is the difference between DEFCON and LERTCON?
It increases in severity from DEFCON 5 (least severe) to DEFCON 1 (most severe) to match varying military situations. DEFCONs are a subsystem of a series of Alert Conditions, or LERTCONs, which also include Emergency Conditions (EMERGCONs).
Is Defcon 5 the highest state of readiness?
Some people have mistakenly believe that Defcon five (5) is the highest state of readiness and that level 1 is the lowest state of readiness. This line of thought has been driven into popularity as a result of movies depicting level five as high alert and level one as normal status.
What are the DEFCON levels and threat levels?
The Defcon Levels range from 1 to 5, with threat level 1 being the highest U.S. military defense readiness warning status that can be ordered by the Pentagon in situations such as a current state of war, or heightened nuclear threat and alert level 5 being the lowest threat condition in the warning system and means a current state of peace.
What is the current DEFCON level in Afghanistan?
The current defcon level overall is now at defcon 4 today as there is a raised AFRICOM alert level due to an airstrike in Somalia and CENTCOM due to a drone strike in Erbil where U.S. forces are currently stationed.
When will the US military be at DEFCON 1?
Currently, the military has never been at DEFCON 1 yet, the highest we have gotten was DEFCON 2, which was during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Persian Gulf war, 9/11, and yom kippur war. DEFCON 1 would only happen when nuclear war is imminent, or if there is a severe threat against the US or if a missile is coming towards us.