Is Tidus a Fayth?
Tidus is a creation of the Fayth. Where everyone else in the dream was/is a real person from that time Tidus is completely made up by their imagination. He never actually exists in that he was born in Yuna’s physical world in a physical body.
Do you find Tidus FFX 2?
Tidus is an optional boss in Final Fantasy X-2: International + Last Mission and Final Fantasy X-2 HD Remaster. He is fought in the Fiend Arena in the final tournament, the Farplane Cup. Tidus will join the player’s party after being defeated.
Is shuyin a Tidus?
Shuyin is the primary antagonist of Final Fantasy X-2. He bears a striking resemblance to Tidus. When Yuna is given a sphere Kimahri discovered on Mt. Gagazet, showing Shuyin in a cell beneath Bevelle, she mistakes him for Tidus, which sets her off on her career as a sphere hunter.
Was Auron dead?
Auron died, but due to the promises he had made to Braska and Jecht, his loyalty bound him to the mortal realm, and he remained as an unsent to complete these tasks. After Braska’s Calm was over, Sin returned, and the cycle continued with Jecht, as the Final Aeon, as the core of the new Sin.
What is a Fayth?
Fayth are people who gave up their lives to become Aeons. Their souls are trapped in statues in the temples around Spira. When a Summoner prays to a fayth, the fayth joins with the summoner, granting them the ability to call their aeon to aid them in battles.
Why did the Fayth bring Tidus back?
Tidus is told that he, Jecht and the Zanarkand they come from, are dreams of the fayth, ordered into existence after the original Zanarkand was destroyed. The fayth want Tidus to defeat Sin permanently so they can cease their dreaming, but if he succeeds, the dream will end and Tidus himself will disappear.
Is Tidus an unsent?
Auron tells Tidus he was an unsent all along, his spirit unable to rest because of the promises he had made to Jecht and Braska. The party leaves Zanarkand, determined there is another way to defeat Sin. Tidus during the final battle.
What happened to Aurons eye?
Jecht and Braska lost their lives fighting Sin, but brought forth a Calm. After Sin’s defeat, Auron returned to attack Yunalesca, outraged at Braska and Jecht’s sacrifices. Yunalesca struck him down, scarring Auron’s face and blinding him in one eye.
Can you get to dream zanarkand?
It is located somewhere near Baaj Temple, but cannot be easily accessed by anyone living in Spira and its whereabouts are only known by Sin. A thousand years ago the cities Zanarkand and Bevelle were at war, which came to be known as the Machina War.
Where is Auron from?
As a young man of 25 years, Auron was a devoted warrior monk of Bevelle, well-regarded by Yevon’s upper echelons groomed for a high-ranking position within the clergy.
Why do the fayth want Tidus to destroy Yu Yevon?
After growing tired of a millennium of dreaming the fayth request Tidus, a person who hails from Dream Zanarkand and thus a product of their dream, to destroy Yu Yevon so they can rest.
Is Tidus real in the anime?
Tidus eventually learns he, his father, and his Zanarkand are all dreams summoned by the fayth — self-sacrificed spirits of humans who merge with pyreflies to manifest aeons (which can be summoned by Summoners) or other magical phenomena like Tidus and the Zanarkand he knows. Thus, Tidus is actually only as real as Yuna’s aeons.
How do you get Tidus in Final Fantasy X?
Tidus is the main protagonist of Final Fantasy X. He can be acquired as a Creature Creator ally in the International + Last Mission and HD versions Final Fantasy X-2, and plays a pivotal role in the extended universe audio drama and novella . He is a rising star blitzball player from Zanarkand, and the son of major blitzball star Jecht.
How did Tidus come to exist?
Tidus is a dream of the Fayth. He came to exist because he had contact with sin, who is Jecht. Now, the question is, how did Jecht come to be. No, he never really existed, neither of them did, but they somehow had physical form away from the dream world.