What is a voxel in art?
A voxel is a unit of graphic information that defines a point in three-dimensional space. Since a pixel (picture element) defines a point in two dimensional space with its x and y coordinates , a third z coordinate is needed. In 3-D space, each of the coordinates is defined in terms of its position, color, and density.
What is a voxel size in image quality?
Voxel size is an important component of image quality. Voxel is the 3-D analog of a pixel. Voxel size is related to both the pixel size and slice thickness. Pixel size is dependent on both the field of view and the image matrix. The pixel size is equal to the field of view divided by the matrix size.
What is a brain voxel?
Each one represents a tidy cube of brain tissue—a 3-D image building block analogous to the 2-D pixel of computers screens, televisions or digital cameras. Each voxel can represent a million or so brain cells. Those orange blobs in the image above are actually clusters of voxels—perhaps tens or hundreds of them.
What is a voxel in spectroscopy?
Voxel A voxel is a volume element (volumetric and pixel) representing a value in the three dimensional space, corresponding to a pixel for a given slice thickness. Indicates cross talk of signal intensity from one voxel to an adjacent voxel in spectroscopic imaging. A voxel that is uniform in all directions.
What is a voxel editor and how is it used?
While scientific volume visualization doesn’t require modifying the actual voxel data, voxel editors can be used to create art (especially 3D pixel art) and models for voxel based games. Some editors are focused on a single approach to voxel editing while others mix various approaches.
What is the difference between voxel and Vox-L?
Vox, released in 2012, is a voxel based exploration/RPG game focused on player generated content. Vox-L is a voxel-based video game engine that is being developed and published by Multi-Dimensional Games. Voxatron, a computer game produced by Lexaloffle, is composed and generated fully using voxels.