Wat zijn Urbexers?

Wat zijn Urbexers?

Urbex-fotografie is afgeleid van Urban Exploring. Bij deze tak van fotografie bezoek je verlaten gebouwen en omgevingen die meestal niet opengesteld zijn voor publiek. Deze verboden locaties zijn vaak zo interessant door het verhaal wat ze vertellen.

Hoe moet ik Urbex plaatsen vinden?

Ga eerst kijken of je foto’s kunt vinden van urbex locaties die je zou willen bezoeken, vervolgens kun je kijken of de urbex naam erbij staat. Urbexers geven nooit de ‘echte’ naam van een locatie. Vaak vernoemen ze de locatie naar een object wat ze erin hebben gevonden, de oude locatie-eigenaar of hele andere dingen.

What is urbex (urban exploration)?

Urban Exploration, or Urbex for short, is a hobby that involves going into abandoned man-made structures such as hospitals, schools, factories, sewers, tunnels, and any other building that society has left behind, with the intention of exploring them. It’s a hobby that’s been around for several decades.

What is ururbexing photography?

Urbexing is a photography genre which involves exploring and photographing abandoned buildings and areas. Photos are usually over processed in order to induce mystery, drama and abandonment in the viewer’s mind. This is one of the photography genres that doesn’t require tons of gear, well at least not photography gear.

Is urbanurbex dangerous?

Urbex is a dangerous hobby, there’s no denying that. Urban exploration takes you into abandoned places that most of society has forgotten about. There are several dangers that this hobby carries. You have to remember that you’re inside an abandoned building that most likely has not been taken care of for many years.

What are the dangers of urbex locations?

When visiting urbex locations it is important that you go with several people. There are many dangers such as collapsing walls, holes, barbed wire and glass. It can also happen that you meet people with wrong intentions. Maybe you get hurt and need help. Usually you are far from home, sometimes even abroad.

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