Van wie is de stem van Big Brother?

Van wie is de stem van Big Brother?

Veel fans vroegen zich de laatste tijd bijvoorbeeld af wie nou de welbekende ‘stem’ van het ‘Big Brother’-huis was. En daar is eindelijk een antwoord op! De Vlaamse stem is die van (stem)acteur Jeroen Medaer.

Wie nog in Big Brother?

Sinds afgelopen dinsdag zitten er nog slechts drie bewoners in het Big Brother-huis: de Nederlandse Jill en de Belgen Nick en Liese. Liese is de enige bewoner die alle honderd dagen in het huis heeft gezeten. De winnaar wordt gekozen door middel van stemmen.

How successful is Big Brother in Belgium?

Big Brother was very successful for the first season in Belgium. Not only the program had high ratings but also the official website was visited a lot. Because of the high demand for the 12 free cameras for live streaming, the site crashed a few times.

Was the Vilvoorde Big Brother house built in time?

It is said the mayor of Vilvoorde, Jean-Luc Dehaene made it possible the administration was completed in time. The same building plans of the Dutch Big Brother house were used. The house was 212 m 2 and the garden was 240 m 2. Central in the house were two hidden walkways which formed across where the crew could film the housemates everywhere.

How many seasons of Big Brother Belgium are there?

Big Brother is the Belgian version of the international reality television franchise Big Brother produced by Endemol. The show aired in Flemish Region of Belgium on Kanaal Twee and has had a total of nine seasons. There have been six regular seasons, two celebrity seasons and one all-stars season.

What happened to Big Brother 2021 in Flanders?

This happened in July 2007 when Big Brother was scrapped and broadcaster JIMtv moved in. For the 2021 season, for the first time, the cooperation for Big Brother between Flanders and the Netherlands, a new house was built in Amsterdam, next to the Johan Cruyff Arena at a parking lot of Endemol Shine in only a few months.

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