How do I get more bonus XP?
It works sometimes and then others it’ll say I’ve run out of bonus xp what is that mean and how do I get more bonus xp You can get bonus Experience in a multitude of ways. One of the most common being from obtaining Prismatic Stars from Treasure Hunter. Bonus experience is used up whenever you train a skill that has bonus XP.
How do I use up bonus experience?
One of the most common being from obtaining Prismatic Stars from Treasure Hunter. Bonus experience is used up whenever you train a skill that has bonus XP. As for how it works, let’s say you’re training Woodcutting and you get 100 XP for one log… if you have bonus XP you will get 200 for that log, and it will remove 100 bonus XP.
Can free players use the bonus that have earned?
However, free players must become members to be able to use the bonus that they have earned, except during certain special events . The remaining amount of bonus experience may be seen by hovering over a skill icon; it is displayed in green.
When was the bonus XP added to RuneScape?
This official news post is copied verbatim from the RuneScape website. It is copyrighted by Jagex. It was added on 29 September 2014. Got more Bonus XP than you need?
How does bonus XP work with Vic?
Note that the Bonus XP cost of credits for each skill will increase (separately) as you spend Bonus XP from them. Vic’s only accepting Bonus XP until the end of October 5th, so don’t delay. He’ll be around afterwards, but only to exchange credits for rewards. Make use of his service while you can, and get what you want from your Bonus XP.
What to do with bonus XP in Burthorpe?
Stop by the Swap Shop in the next seven days and hand it in for some awesome rewards. Until the end of 5th of October 2014 (UK Time), Vic the Trader has set up shop by the Burthorpe lodestone, and will take any Bonus XP you’re willing to part with in exchange for credits in his store.