What is the difference between Xbox 360 and Xbox PlayStation 3?

What is the difference between Xbox 360 and Xbox PlayStation 3?

Playstation 3 comes with a built-in Blu-Ray player that provides HD output with high-quality sound. Xbox 360 is known for its community experience and offers a friendlier environment for Windows, as it is tightly integrated with other Microsoft applications.

What are the best games on PS3 and Xbox 360?

Metal Gear Solid 4, InFamous 1&2, God of War 3, LittleBigPlanet and Uncharted 2 are some of the top games exclusively available on PS3. Gears of War 3, Halo Combat and Forza Motorsport 4 are some of the top games exclusively available on Xbox 360.

Is the PS3’s RAM better than the Xbox’s?

The verdict: Once again, the Xbox’s total amount of RAM is slightly misleading, as the system RAM and video RAM are shared. The PS3’s XDR RAM is also far more fast and efficient than the Xbox’s GDDR3 RAM, running at a speed of 3.2 GHz compared to 700 MHz. Final bandwidth numbers prove PS3 is the victor in this category.

How much does Xbox 360 PlayStation Plus cost?

PlayStation Plus costs $49.99 a year, $17.99 for three months, or $9.99 a month. The Network has over 90 million registered users. The Xbox 360 uses Xbox Live, an online gaming service that is available both free and for a subscription. It allows users to join message boards and access the Marketplace to download purchased or promotional content.

Are the days of the PS3 and Xbox 360 over?

While the PS4 and Xbox One have no doubt taken the gaming arena by storm, the days of PS3 and Xbox 360 are far from over. For those planning to buy a new gaming console, the PS3 and Xbox 360 are in fact still in the picture.

How many GB does the Xbox 360 have?

At present, the new Xbox 360 is available in two configurations: the 250GB Xbox 360 and 4GB Xbox 360. Note: It’s worth noting that both, Sony and Microsoft continue with the practice of marketing these consoles as the PS3 and Xbox 360 officially, despite the fact that they are technically the PS3 super slim and Xbox 360 E.

What is the failure rate of a PS3?

The PS3 has a two-year failure rate of 10%. The Xbox 360 has a two-year failure rate of 23.7%. The PS3 connects to the Internet for free through the Playstation Network using the homeowner’s high speed internet account.

What type of graphics card does the PS3 use?

The PS3 uses an NVIDIA RSX “Reality Synthesizer,” which outputs resolutions from 480i SD up to 1080i HD. The Xbox 360 uses ATI Xenos for its graphics processing, which has 10 MG of eDRAM.

What kind of processor does Xbox 360 use?

The Xbox 360 uses the triple-core IBM-designed Xenon as its CPU, and has three 3.2 GHz core processors. Graphics. The PS3 uses an NVIDIA RSX “Reality Synthesizer,” which outputs resolutions from 480i SD up to 1080i HD. The Xbox 360 uses ATI Xenos for its graphics processing, which has 10 MG of eDRAM. Memory

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