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How do you get an Eevee in Pokemon platinum?
To get an Eevee in Diamond and Pearl, beat the Elite 4 and then talk to Bebe in Hearthome City. In Platinum just talk to her. Breed your Eevee to get a total of seven Eggs, and then do the following: Get a Vaporeon. To get a Vaporeon, you need a Water Stone.
How do you get Eevee and Vaporeon?
Here’s how to get them in the Pokémon games, Diamond, Pearl and/or Platinum. Get an Eevee. To get an Eevee in Diamond and Pearl, beat the Elite 4 and then talk to Bebe in Hearthome City. In Platinum just talk to her. Get a Vaporeon. To get a Vaporeon, you need a Water Stone.
Where can I find Eevee in Hearthome city?
You can find Eevee in the grassy area behind the Trophy Garden below Hearthome City. When you go inside the Trophy Garden building, go inside the door in the right, where you see a woman standing to the right of the door. Talk to the owner of the Trophy Garden.
How do you get more than one Eevee?
Go to the Trophy Garden and talk to the mansion owner. One day, he will say he saw an Eevee in his garden. Go to the garden and catch it. It will stay in the garden for 2 days. To get more Eevee and all of it’s Eeveelutions, try breeding Eevee with a Ditto or another Eevee.
Catching an Eevee in Pokémon Platinum is extremely difficult, but you can get your first one from Bebe in Hearthome City or in the Trophy Garden. Breeding Eevee is the best option. Be sure to have a female Eevee or one of it’s evolved forms, and another Pokémon in it’s breeding group.
What level does Eevee evolve into Glaceon or Leafeon?
Eevee will evolve into either Glaceon or Leafeon at any level, they just have to be in the same route as the ice rock or the moss rock.
What level can you evolve Eevee into Umbreon?
Your Eevee can be at any level to evolve into Umbreon, although it has to be between 4 a.m. and 8 p.m. to get it. Thanks! Why isn’t there a Sylveon available in the evolutions?
How do you get Vaporeon and Jolteon in Pokemon Emerald?
Steps Get seven Eevee. Use a Water Stone on Eevee to get Vaporeon. Use a Fire Stone on Eevee to get Flareon. Use a Thunder Stone on Eevee to get Jolteon. Level Eevee up to level 20 in Eterna Forest near the moss rock to get Leafeon. Level Eevee up to level 20 on Route 217 near the ice rock to get Glaceon.
How do you get an Eevee in Hearthome?
Talk to Bebe inside of her house near the Pokemon Center in Hearthome City and she’ll give you an Eevee.
How do you get a female Eevee?
Besides migrating and trading for an Eevee, you will receive one from Bebe in Hearthome City. If you have not already received one, I would suggest saving before talking to Bebe, then get the Eevee. Soft-reset as necessary to get a female Eevee.
Why does Bebe give the main character Eevee?
Bebe giving the main character an Eevee is a reference to Bill, as he gives the main character an Eevee in Generation II and Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl and Pokémon Platinum, Bebe shares the same sprite with the Battle Girl Trainer class, which her TCG artwork copies.
How do you evolve Eevee into Glaceon?
Level Eevee on Route 217 near the ice rock to get Glaceon. Again, be close enough to the rock or you’ll get another evolution. This will take more time than using one of the stones. Walk in the grass near the rock to encounter wild Pokémon to battle.
How do you breed Vaporeon and Eevee in Pokemon Emerald?
To breed them, put two Eevee, one male, and one female, in the Solaceon Daycare. Wait for a while, and you will get a Pokémon egg that will hatch into an Eevee. Or, put in Ditto and Eevee (any gender), and you will get an Eevee egg. Use a Water Stone on Eevee to get Vaporeon.
Where can I find a wild Eevee?
Eevee will appear for two days (the day Mr. Backlot announces it and the day after), so you can catch a wild Eevee. Incidentally, if the Eevee you got from Bebe is male, and it’s too late to reset, you can also try for Ditto in Mr. Backlot’s Trophy Garden once you have the National Dex.
How long does it take for Eevee to appear?
Accepted Answer. Eevee will appear for two days (the day Mr. Backlot announces it and the day after), so you can catch a wild Eevee. Incidentally, if the Eevee you got from Bebe is male, and it’s too late to reset, you can also try for Ditto in Mr. Backlot’s Trophy Garden once you have the National Dex.
Can an eVee evolve in Espeon in Pokemon platinum?
Can an Evee evolve in an Espeon in Pokemon Platinum? and want to now the Evee’s posibitlity to evolve in espeon is correct in the new pokemon platinum. You can evolve eevee into espeon. You need to first raise it’s friendship with you.