Experience Share can be found in Route 15, next to Fuchsia City (Safari Zone is there, too). Go to cycling road, go up stairs and talk with this Prof. Oak’s Aide to get Exp. Share. You need have 50 kinds of Pokémon (have 50 pokeballs in Pokédex) to get. Exp. Share is an item to be held by a Pokemon.
From Generation VI onwards, the Exp. Share returned to being a key item that shares 50% of the Exp earned in battle with any Pokémon that are in your current party and did not join the battle. However, this can possibly be remedied if only one Pokémon participated in the battle and was holding a Lucky Egg since they multiply Exp by 150%.
Where can I find Surge and exp share?
You can’t get the exp share yet. You need to of caught 50 pokemon and see the professor’s aide to the east of fushia city. As for surge, I suggest you go into diglett cave and find a dugtrio.
An Exp. Share is a held itemthat awards experienceto the holder even if it does not participate in battle, as long as the holder is not fainted and in the player’s party. If the Pokémon does not participate in battle, it will gain 50% of the normal experience and the full amount of EVsfrom the defeated Pokémon.
Exp Share is an item obtained by fainting or capturing wild Pokémon. It splits the experience points that the user earned in Pokémon battles. To use Exp Share drag the item to the item slot in your Pokémon by clicking their name above.
Walk south from the gym and enter the tunnel leading to Route 206. Talk to Professor Rowan ’s lab assistant inside the tunnel and he’ll give you the Exp. Share item. Press “X” to access your inventory and select the Exp. Share in the “Items” pocket. Press “A” and the command “Give” to give the item to one of the six Pokémon in your traveling party.
What is exp share in Pokemon?
The Exp. Share item, which allows Pokemon holding it to gain experience even if they aren’t used in battle, can be found in both Jubilife City and Eterna City. It is possible to get both of them in one game.