Wat is een killstreak?
Killstreaks rewards zijn beloningen die je krijgt als je een aantal spelers heb gedood zonder zelf tussentijds dood te gaan. Killstreak betekent dan ook letterlijk vertaalt “Moord Reeks”.
Wat doet trophy system?
Het Trophy System is een van de veldupgrades in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War en Warzone en wordt gebruikt om je te verdedigen tegen vijandelijke projectielen. Het Trophy-systeem blokkeert inkomende granaten, tactische uitrusting en grote projectielen zoals raketten.
Wat betekent bloemperk?
Bloembed. Een begrensd stukje grond dat men bloemen beplant is.
How do you get the counter UAV in Call of Duty?
— Scorestreak description. The Counter UAV is a scorestreak featured in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. It is unlocked at level 24 and requires a streak of 600 points to earn. It is similar to its incarnation in Black Ops II, where instead of completely disabling the minimap it is heavily distorted, but enemies can still use the map to navigate.
What is the UAV in Black Ops 2?
The UAV returns in Call of Duty: Black Ops II and functions similarly to the UAV in previous installments, with one new feature: the player can now earn XP through ‘UAV assists’, which grants the player who called in the UAV 10 XP per kill by a teammate as long as the UAV is active.
How long does the UAV last in Call of Duty?
The UAV reappears in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare . The UAV is awarded at 400 points. Functioning similarly to the UAV in Black Ops II , the player is awarded 10 points through “UAV Assists”. The UAV lasts 35 seconds.
How do you get the UAV in Modern Warfare 3?
The UAV returns in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and functions identically to the UAV in previous installments, however is airborne for only 23 seconds instead of 30. The UAV is earned after 3 points in the Assault Strike Package and after 4 points in the Support Strike Package.