How many master balls are there in Pokemon platinum?
Thank you for printing this page from Remember to come back to check for more great content for Pokemon Platinum. 999x MasterBalls. Master Balls (L+R) To Activate.
How do you win the Master Ball in Pokemon Go?
If the lottery number matches the Trainer ID of any of your Pokemon, you will win a master ball; since each player has a fixed trainer ID, the game encourages trading to further increase your chances of winning. Need an Action Replay. In Solaceon town in the house next to the pokemon center they ask for a different pokemon each day.
How do I get more Pokemon from the original trainer?
Match all 5 Original Trainer ID # digits on the daily lotto at TV Station’s front desk in Jubilife (any Pokemon, boxed or not, having Pokemon from multiple trainers increases your chances, repeatable if you’re lucky). Have someone with Diamond/Pearl/Platinum trade a Pokemon holding one to you (they must perform one of the same methods as above).
What is the Best Pokemon to use the Master Ball on?
The Master Ball has a 100% catch rate for any Pokemon. There’s no specific Pokemon that it’s dedicated for, although many people prefer to use it against Legendaries like Giratina and Dialga, or save it for more elusive Pokemon that can flee battles, such as Cresselia. Who exactly between those two is your choice.
How do you win the Master Ball?
The receptionist will allow you to check “Lottery tickets” once per day. If the lottery number matches the Trainer ID of any of your Pokemon, you will win a master ball; since each player has a fixed trainer ID, the game encourages trading to further increase your chances of winning. Need an Action Replay.
Can you catch Giratina with a Master Ball?
Answers Every pokemon in the Game can be captured with any pokeball, even a Giratina you can catch using a pokeball, the master ball is just a easy way to catch a pokemon without effort. User Info: Nitemare667 The Master Ball has a 100% catch rate for any Pokemon.
Where can I find the Master Ball?
It was originally manufactured by Silph Co. in Saffron City, but only a few were produced, as Team Rocket hijacked the building and attempted to steal them. Due to this, the Master Ball as a whole was discontinued. Only one can be found during the course of the story in each game.
What does the Master Ball do in Pokemon Go?
The Master Ball is guaranteed to capture any wild Pokemon without fail, completely ignoring the capture system as a whole. Players should be careful about using the Master Ball, as in most scenarios, there will only be 1 Master Ball at the player’s disposal.
What Pokemon does the Master Ball have a 100% catch rate?
The Master Ball has a 100% catch rate for any Pokemon. There’s no specific Pokemon that it’s dedicated for, although many people prefer to use it against Legendaries like Giratina and Dialga, or save it for more elusive Pokemon that can flee battles, such as Cresselia.