How do you get Latios in Pokemon platinum?
Stock up on Super Repels (optional). This trick can make finding Latios easier, but requires your lead Pokémon to be Level 39. The Super Repel keeps with Pokémon with lower levels than your lead Pokémon from attacking you. Since Latios is Level 40, you’ll need a Level 39 lead Pokémon for this to work.
How do you get Latios on Emerald?
In order to access Latios, you’ll first need to beat the main game. See How to Beat the Elite Four on Emerald for more details. Return to your home. After beating the Elite Four, return to your home in Littleroot Town and speak with your mother. A TV show will play and your mother will ask you a question about what appeared.
How do I catch Latias/Latios?
Make sure to have a lot Max Repels. This will make it easier to catch Latias/Latios since the only Pokémon you’ll encounter while using a Max Repel has to be at a level equal or higher than your first Pokémon. Go to a location that has a grass and is nearby a door. Use the Max Repels and run in the grass.
How do you get Latios to use the Super repel trick?
Train Wobbuffet to Level 39 to use the Super Repel trick (see below). Make sure that Wobbuffet is the first Pokémon in your party so that it can trap Latios. Fill the rest of your party with strong Pokémon. Once Latios is trapped, you’ll need to lower its HP so that you can capture it.
Where can I find Latios and Latias?
Go to rout 118 from Mauville city. Open up a cave next to the grass using secret power. Run around in the grass and if Latios/Latias doesn’t appear right away then go inside he cave, come back out, and run around in the grass again. Going inside the cave resets the pokemon’s location so it will eventually appear where you are.
How do I get Latios to come out of the cave?
Run around in the grass and if Latios/Latias doesn’t appear right away then go inside he cave, come back out, and run around in the grass again. Going inside the cave resets the pokemon’s location so it will eventually appear where you are. Using repel is recommended with a pokemon at he head of your party below level 40.