What is the evolution of Swinub in Pokemon?
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Swinub (Japanese: ウリムー Urimoo) is a dual-type Ice / Ground Pokémon introduced in Generation II. It evolves into Piloswine starting at level 33, which evolves into Mamoswine when leveled up while knowing Ancient Power.
What is a Swinub in Pokemon HeartGold?
Swinub is seen as one of the Pokémon under Pryce, and is often kept on his lap when he rides his wheelchair (and during battle). When Pryce becomes lost in time, the Swinub is trapped with him. The same Swinub returned along with Pryce at Sinjoh Ruins, and it fought alongside with him against Dialga.
What is the friendship value of Swinub in Pokemon platinum?
In Generations 2-7, Swinub has a base Friendship value of 70. It rubs its snout on the ground to find and dig up food. It sometimes discovers hot springs.
Does Swinub have mud shot in soul silver?
Trivia. Swinub is the only Pokémon that can be resistant to damage from all types of weather effects, including Shadow Sky, without the aid of an Ability. In HeartGold and SoulSilver coding, it is revealed that Swinub has Mud Shot listed as a “new HGSS” Egg move, but it could already learn this move by breeding since Generation III.
What animal is Swinub based off of?
Swinub’s size and appearance seem to be based on a mix of a Peruvian guinea pig and a wild boar piglet. It may also be based on wordplay of the groundhog. Both are similar in characteristics and behavior, while “Ground hog” describes Swinub’s type and species quite well. Swinub also resembles the Marsupial mole.
What does a Swinub look like?
Swinub is a small porcine Pokémon. Living in frigid temperatures, Swinub is covered in dense, brown, striped hair to keep it warm. The hair is so shaggy that it often covers its tuft-like small legs, making it appear like a legless lump. Swinub’s eyes appear as if they are perpetually closed.