Is Rotom a legendary?
Legendary Pokemon can’t breed (Exept Manaphy). Rotom is not a legendary since it can breed. [EDIT] It should be noted that an unoffical Pokémon handbook, called Pokémon Ultimate Handbook, lists Rotom as a legendary Pokémon. However, this book is riddled with errors (it also lists Delibird as a legendary, for example).
What does Rotom like to do?
This Rotom has possessed a convection microwave oven that uses a special motor. It also has a flair for manipulating flames. This form of Rotom enjoys making mischief by turning up the heat. It will gleefully burn your favorite outfit. This form of Rotom enjoys coming up with water-based pranks.
Is Rotom a ghost type Pokemon?
Rotom (Japanese: ロトム Rotomu) is an Electric/Ghost-type Pokémon. Rotom can transform into various forms which resembles household appliances. Prior to Generation V, all of Rotom’s forms shared the same Electric/Ghost typing as a normal Rotom before swapping the secondary Ghost type with another…
How do you change Rotom’s form?
In Generation V, to change Rotom’s form, you need to go to the basement of Shopping Mall Nine and interact with one of the many boxes of electronics, and choose a form. You will be asked to allow Rotom to forget a move and learn a move the type of the form it takes.
Is Rotom the only Pokémon with an alternate form?
Rotom is the only Pokémon with the ability to change its form by will that must possess another object in order to do so. Rotom is the only Pokémon whose alternate forms have a different base stat total than that of the original form. Other Pokémon with alternate forms may have different distributions, however.
What type is Rotom’s ghost type?
Prior to Generation V, all of Rotom’s forms shared the same Electric/Ghost typing as a normal Rotom before swapping the secondary Ghost type with another type. Rotom is a small, round, ghostly creature with a plasma-based body.