How do you get to Cerulean Cave?
Cerulean Cave is a large cave located off of Route 24. Surf will be needed to enter the cave, along with defeating the Pokemon League AND giving Celio the two gemstones. Inside are many tough Pokemon, including the strongest Pokemon alive, Mewtwo! There are plenty of good items and strong pokemon so bring lots of Ultra Balls and your Super Rod.
How do you get to Cerulean City in Pokemon fire red and leaf?
POKEMON FIRE RED AND LEAF GREEN WALKTHROUGH. In order to get into the Cerulean Cave, you have to have obtained the National Dex from Oak, and both the Ruby and Sapphire Gems (ie. complete the Sevii Islands quest). Fly to Cerulean City, head north up Nugget Bridge, head to the left and Surf south and the west.
Where is the dark entrance to Cerulean City?
With the dark entrance positioned on the outskirts of Cerulean City, only accessible by surfing down Route 24 to the entrance near the northern border of Cerulean City, the cave has been renowned for its mystery. The entrance to the cave looks like it has been carved out from a hillside, forming an indented entrance into the hill.
Where can I find Mewtwo in Cerulean City?
Cerulean Cave is a cave in Cerulean City that is only accessible if you have all 8 badges. It has a crystalline look about it and has numerous floors and can act as a maze. There are no trainers within the cave, but the legendary Pokémon, Mewtwo, dwells within. Secret Techniques used in Cerulean Cave: Sea Skim.
You cannot get to cerulean cave it is not in gold or silver they took it out for some reason. From Cerulean City, gou up to Route 24. There should be a bridge there. Its called nugget bridge. Beat the five trainers and you will get a nugget (I think). Go to your right, battle the trainers.
How do I get to Cerulean Cape?
When you see some water that you can surf on and couple with Misty in the couple beside the water or a house you’re in Cerulean Cape (The house is BIll’s house if you’re wondering). Cerulean Cave is gone, though an NPC does mention the dungeon and an item called a “Berserk Gene” is found in the water near where the Cerulean Cave once was.
Can you get Mewtwo in Cerulean Cave?
Cerulean Cave is home to a wide variety of high-level wild Pokémon. Mewtwo inhabits the deepest part of the cave. The Pokémon League only permits Trainers who have entered the Hall of Fame to enter.