Which version of Pokemon is better crystal or gold?
Directors cut/third version/whatever you want to call it is always better, that’s the whole point of it existing. Crystal has improvements over Gold and Silver, plus you can catch Celebi in game, though you get a 3DS theme and a code for Celebi in the newest games if you buy Gold or Silver.
Do you consider Pokemon gold and silver to be outdated?
Also I’m on an EverDrive without a RTC, which AFAIK only affects Crystal. About the only thing that prevents Gold and Silver from becoming totally obsolete is the fact that they have version exclusive Pokemon that Crystal doesn’t. Otherwise yes, Crystal does a lot of polish that makes Gold and Silver look outdated.
What is the difference between Crystal and gold and silver?
Gold and Silver used a simple black on white trading interface that was identical to the one used in the Generation I games, mainly to retain compatibility with older Game Boy systems. In Crystal, the menus were revamped with full color on a black background, a design which better suits the capabilities of the Game Boy Color.
What is the difference between Pokemon silver and gold?
The Gold version exclusively has the Mankey, Growlithe, Spinarak, and Teddiursa evolutionary lines, in addition to Gligar and Mantine. Silver, on the other hand, has the Meowth, Vuplix, Ledyba, and Phanphy evolutionary lines and the single-stage Pokemon Skarmory and Delibird.
Is Pokemon polished crystal worth it?
Pokémon Crystal is a fantastic game. But it can definitely be improved without completely altering its essence. Pokémon Polished Crystal aims to change only some minor details, such as adding Fairy-types and newer type advantages. It also includes all of the Eeveelutions so far (a big score!)
Is there a 3D version of Pokemon Crystal?
This FireRed hack will let you re-live your Pokémon Crystal adventure with Gen III graphics, which are by far the most charming before the series went 3D. It includes Johto, Kanto, and a big chunk of the Orange Islands – and, of course, all 251 Pokémon.
What Pokemon are in the Johto region in Pokemon Crystal?
Gold, Silver & Crystal Pokédex Pokémon Gold, Silver & Crystal introduced 100 new Pokémon in the Johto region, and contains all Pokémon from Kanto as well. The Johto Pokédex puts the new starters at the beginning and groups evolutions from the two generations together (such as Zubat/Golbat/Crobat).