Who is the Gym Leader in Pokemon Petalburg City?
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. The Petalburg Gym (Japanese: トウカジム Touka Gym) is the official Gym of Petalburg City. It is based on Normal-type Pokémon. The Gym Leader is Norman. Trainers who defeat him receive the Balance Badge .
How do you get to the normal type gym in Pokemon Ruby?
This page is for the original Game Boy Advance versions of Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. For the Nintendo 3DS remakes, visit my Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Walkthrough . After you get four gym badges, you can return to Petalburg City and challenge the Normal type gym where your father Norman is the leader. This is a Normal-type gym.
What is a normal type Pokemon weak to?
Normal-type pokémon are weak to Fighting moves. In addition, if you have Ghost-type pokémon, they are immune to Normal-type moves. However, Normal-type pokémon are immune to Ghost moves, so your Ghost-type pokémon will need to have some non-Ghost attacks. Some of the trainers in this Gym use Delcattys that know Sing.
What is the story behind the Petalburg gym?
The Petalburg Gym first appeared in There’s no Place Like Hoenn, where Ash and May reached the facility, with Ash intending to battle Norman and win his first Hoenn League Badge. However, when Norman learned that Ash only had Pikachu with him, he declined the Gym battle, as challengers needed three Pokémon to have an official battle.
How do you get one hit Ko in Pokemon Emerald?
Switch out your pokémon or use Restores or berries to cure the confusion. Afterward, you can go into the Attack room. The trainer in the Defense Room uses an X Defense on a level 27 Linoone (level 26 Wigglytuff in Emerald). Afterward, you can go left to reach the Attack room or go right to reach the One-Hit KO Room.
How do you get to the Gym Leader room in Pokemon platinum?
They include the One-Hit KO Room, Accuracy Room, Attack Room, Defense Room, Speed Room, Recovery Room and either Zero Reduction Room RSORAS or Confusion Room E. Once three rooms in a row are completed, they can access the Gym Leader Room with Norman.