What kind of game is EverQuest II?
EverQuest II is a 3D fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) originally developed and published by Sony Online Entertainment for Microsoft Windows PCs and released in November 2004. It is the sequel to the original EverQuest, released five years earlier, and features updated graphics…
Where does evereverquest 2 take place?
Everquest 2 takes place on the world of Norrath. The regions of Norrath have been introduced gradually over the course of several expansion packs, but they all complement each other for the most part. The boundaries between expansion packs are not sharply defined, so we will present all of them integrated together in this User Guide.
Is evereverquest II still worth playing in 2020?
EverQuest II is the same, only with slightly better graphics and character models. (And is more populated than EQ1.) Both games are still enjoyable in 2020, certainly.
What’s new in age of Discovery EverQuest II?
New archetype Heroic AA tab. Age of Discovery is the eighth EverQuest II expansion pack. In tandem with the launch of this expansion, SOE also converted EQ2 into a fully free-to-play MMO.
What happens when you die in evereverquest 2?
EverQuest II has no experience loss or lost levels from dying. Upon death, characters respawn with their gear intact at specific revival locations, with a minor experience debt to be repaid. Gear is fully functional until its condition runs out after 10 consecutive deaths, and is repaired to 100% for a fee.
What is the setting of EverQuest II?
EverQuest II is set in what is called the “Age of Destiny” on the world of Norrath, 500 years later than the setting of the original EverQuest. The game world has been drastically affected by several cataclysms (see Story, above) since the original EverQuest.
What’s new in eqbot for EverQuest?
– You can now create your own custom EverQuest macro within EQBoT (Autotarget a player or mob name, autocast spells and more!) – Fixed a bunch of bugs such as (dpsspell1, dpsspell2, petsummon, and gatecharacter) not working correctly. – Fixed crashing issues that some were having when zoning.