How much does a Wizard101 membership cost?
A Wizard101 Membership grants unlimited access to all worlds and quests, ranked events, faster timers, limited time special benefits like double pet experience, larger storage and so much more! Find the Membership option below that is right for you, your child, or your family. $6.95 Each. Monthly Memberships Learn More. $9.95.
Can you buy crowns with a credit card in Wizard101?
Membership does not apply to players who use their credit card to purchase Crowns. Membership does not apply to players who use Gift Certificates or Pre-Paid Cards to make their purchases in Wizard101. Members will have these benefits as long as you have an active renewing membership.
What is the difference between Wizard’s personal bank and shared bank?
Banking. Each Wizard’s bank holds up to 150 equipment or housing items, while the shared bank can hold up to 100. The shared bank can also hold up to 999 of every kind of reagent and pet snack, and 100 jewels. Unlike your Wizard’s personal bank, anything stored in the shared bank may be accessed by any Wizard on your account. Thus,…
How do I manage parental controls for a Wizard101 account?
Wizard101 has various parental controls available that can be managed by a “Master Account” through the game’s website. Once a setting is changed on the Master Account, it goes into effect on all connected accounts in a family of accounts.
How do you transfer crowns from one wizard to another?
1) Your friend creates a new account with all new wizards that they have complete and total control over. 2) They get their crowns in the form of a gift certificate or gift cards and add them to their account and then trust you not to transfer the crowns off of their account onto yours.
Can I link my account to a family master account?
I do apologize for any inconvenience, but due to security considerations regarding Family Plans, linking an account to a Family Master is permanent and irreversible. Hope this helps answer!