How do I download Wizard101 on my computer?
Download: The Wizard101 client can be downloaded directly from the website. Then click on the .exe file to install the game on your own computer. The game will automatically be patched to the current version when you log in to play for the first time. This process may take a few minutes.
Is Wizard101 a good game for kids?
Wizard101 is a free to play MMO Wizard school adventure game with collectible card magic, wizard duels, and far off worlds that’s safe for kids and fun for players of all ages! The game allows players to create a student Wizard in an attempt to save Wizard City and explore many different worlds.
Why can’t I connect to Wizard101?
Make sure that your anti-virus/internet security programmes are not blocking Wizard101. Or simply add Wizard101 to the allowed list. If none of the above was the problem please check our forum to see if other users might have discussed connection issues before. If you still haven’t managed to find a solution please contact support.
What is the Wizard graphical client file in Wizard101?
The Wizard Graphical Client is a file that you download as part of Wizard101. It contains the “graphics” of the game, including the look of your clothes and the colour of your pet. Sometimes this file can seem to take a bit longer to download than the others, particularly if you’ve reinstalled Wizard101 recently.
Disk Space: 5 Gigabytes Download: The Wizard101 client can be downloaded directly from the website. Then click on the.exe file to install the game on your own computer. The game will automatically be patched to the current version when you log in to play for the first time.
Make sure that your anti-virus/internet security programmes are not blocking Wizard101. Or simply add Wizard101 to the allowed list. If none of the above was the problem please check our forum to see if other users might have discussed connection issues before.
How much does Wizard101 cost?
For a limited time only, Wizard101’s one year Membership plus 13,750 Crowns is only $74.99. That’s a savings of nearly 30%! Buy Special Bundle »