Wat is een synoniem voor religieus?

Wat is een synoniem voor religieus?

devoot, gelovig, godsdienstig, godvruchtig, godzalig, pieus, religieus, vroom. gelovig (bn) : godsdienstig, godvrezend, godvruchtig, religieus, vroom.

Wat is het tegenovergestelde van religieus?

Seculier wordt tegenwoordig meestal gebruikt als het tegenovergestelde van religieus, godsdienstig of specifiek kerkelijk. En secularisatie is ‘ontkerkelijking’ of – in ruimere zin – het proces waarbij een maatschappij steeds minder beïnvloed wordt door godsdienst en geloof.

What does the term concurrent mean?

Concurrent describes things that are occurring, or people who are doing something, at the same time, such as “concurrent users” of a computer program. Consecutive refers to things that are arranged or happen in a sequential order. A criminal who serves a consecutive sentence does time for one conviction after another.

What is another word for concurrently?

Another word for concurrent. Belonging to the same period of time as another: coetaneous, coeval, coexistent, contemporaneous, contemporary, synchronic, synchronous. Occurring or existing with: accompanying, attendant, attending, coincident, concomitant. Roget ’s II: The New Thesaurus Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing , Inc., Cleveland, Ohio.

What is the meaning of concurrently?

Definition of concurrent. 1 : operating or occurring at the same time. 2a : running parallel. b : convergent specifically : meeting or intersecting in a point. 3 : acting in conjunction. 4 : exercised over the same matter or area by two different authorities concurrent jurisdiction.

What is consecutive or concurrent?

Consecutive means the sentence imposed on two counts or two cases is served one after the other, which is often referred to as “stacked.”. Consecutive is bad. Concurrent, however, means the sentences run at the same time. Concurrent is definitely what you want…

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