Does Banri fall in love with Kouko?
During this time, Banri grows strong feelings for Kouko, and even confesses his attraction to her. She rejects him, but they stay close anyway, even joining the festival club together.
What is Banri’s spirit?
Banri’s Spirit (万里の霊魂, Banri no Reikon) is a ghost-like entity that possesses all of Banri’s memories and personality traits prior to the accident on the bridge where he lost his memories. As Banri’s ghost, he has an overall similar appearance as him, expect for some differences like longer hair length, etc.
What does Banri’s ghost look like?
As Banri’s ghost, he has an overall similar appearance as him, expect for some differences like longer hair length, etc. He also wears the same jacket he wore on the bridge the night of the accidents. As Linda stated, Banri was quite unreliable before he lost his memories; one of the reasons she couldn’t leave him alone.
What happened to Banri in Golden Time?
Image Gallery Banri Tada (多田 万里 Tada Banri) is the main male protagonist of the Golden Time series. He is a college freshman studying law at a private university in Tokyo. On the night of the graduation ceremony he falls off a bridge, and as a result, suffers from retrograde amnesia, unable to remember anything before the accident.
What does the ghost of Banri’s past do?
It is revealed in the anime series that a “ghost” of Banri’s past before the accident follows the current Banri around hoping to reunite with his body so that he can get his memories back. It is also revealed that the ghost can control Banri’s thoughts and feelings at times.
What happens to Banri after his high school reunion?
Banri believes that he is starting to get his memories back. When he goes to see a doctor about it, he says that it should not happen again. After Banri’s high school reunion, he has a reunion with his friends at a Japanese Grill. Mitsuo asks if Banri and Kouko would convince their club leader to shoot a “music video” at their club.