Hoe groot is de grootste T Rex?
De in Canada gevonden Tyrannosaurus rex (T-rex) ‘Scotty’ is de allergrootste T-rex ooit. Het dier was langer dan 13 meter en woog meer dan 9.000 kilogram, ruim 3.000 kilogram meer dan het allergrootste landdier ter wereld, de Afrikaanse olifant. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek, gepubliceerd in The Anatomical Record.
Hoe groot was de grootste T Rex?
De Tyrannosaurus rex met de bijnaam ‘Scotty’ werd in 1991 ontdekt en woog in levenden lijve naar schatting bijna tien ton – de grootste T. rex die ooit is gevonden.
How did the T Rex defeat the Carnotaurus?
The Carnotaurus trying to get off the ground when the T.Rex use one of the arm to slashes against it stomach while it use it bone crushing mouth to take a huge bite out of the stomach, and the battle ended with T.Rex taking a bite on the neck to snap it have. The fight is over and the T.Rex did it final roar as the victor of the battle.
How big is a Carnotaurus in real life?
This version of the Carnotaurus is way bigger than in real life. Boomstick: What do you mean, I thought all meat eating dinosaur were bigger than it prey? Wiz: These Carnotaurus been show to stand around 15 feet tall while a typical one is usually standing around nine feet tall. That six feet taller! They’re also that it gained a lot of pounds.
Why did the T Rex come out behind the trees?
It was weeks since the Carnotaurus have a meal, and it would do anything to have a meal. But in the distance, Carnotaurus hear stomps getting closer and closer to a powerful roar that shake the ground. With that the almighty T.Rex come out behind of the trees as it roar trying to scare off to get the meal.
How big is a full grown T Rex?
A full grown T. rex, if Sue, Stan, and Scotty are anything to go by averaged around 12.3 meters in length (40 feet), a hip height of 3.66 meters (12 feet), and weighed, on average, between 8–9 tons. A full grown Carnotaurus was about 7.5 meters in length (24.6 feet), a hip height of 2.2 meters (6.5 feet), and weighing around 1 ton.