Hoe heet American football in het Nederlands?
American football is een competitieve teamsport. In de Verenigde Staten en Canada gebruikt men de term football en in andere delen van de wereld wordt de sport ook wel gridiron football genoemd. In bepaalde community’s wordt de sport ook wel – gekscherend – “Hand-Egg” genoemd.
Waar komt American football vandaan?
American football ontwikkelde zich in de negentiende eeuw als een variant op het Engelse rugby. De eerste officiële wedstrijd vond plaats op 6 november 1869 tussen teams van de buren Rutgers-universiteit en Princeton-universiteit in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Rutgers won die eerste wedstrijd met 6-4.
What is the National Football League (NFL)?
The National Football League (NFL) is the largest all-American football league, consisting of thirty-two teams from American cities and regions. The league’s teams are divided into two conferences: the American Football Conference (AFC) and the National Football Conference (NFC).
How many teams are in the NFL?
The National Football League ( NFL) is the largest all-American football league, consisting of thirty-two teams from American cities and regions. The league’s teams are divided into two conferences: the American Football Conference (AFC) and the National Football Conference (NFC).
Why is the NFL so popular in the US?
In the 1970s and 1980s, the NFL solidified its dominance as America’s top spectator sport and its important role in American culture. The Super Bowl became an unofficial national holiday and the top-rated TV program most years. Monday Night Football, which first aired in 1970, brought in high ratings by mixing sports and entertainment.
Who was the first president of the American Football League?
Legendary athlete Jim Thorpe was elected president. It was the first league of American Football in the United States for which players were paid a salary to participate. The group of eleven teams, all but one in the Midwest, was originally less a league than an agreement not to rob other teams’ players.