Hoe is Mewtwo gemaakt?
Het verhaal. Mewtwo is niet uit een ei geboren, zoals de andere Pokémon. Hij is gekloond uit het DNA van een oeroude Pokémon genaamd Mew, waarvan men dacht dat deze uitgestorven was. De legende van Mew vertelt over een ongelofelijk sterke Pokémon die sterker was dan alle andere.
Wie kan mewtwo verslaan?
Mewtwo is zwak tegen: Bug, Dark, Ghost. Mewtwo counters: Gengar, Mewtwo, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Weavile, Genesect, Darkrai, Origin Giratina, Hydreigon, Chandelure en Yveltal. Wat je nog over Mewtwo moet weten: Gebruikt graag Dark aanvallen alsook sterke Psychic aanvallen.
What is the best moveset for Mewtwo in Pokemon Go?
Mewtwo (Pokémon GO) Pokémon GO Info. Pokémon. Top attackers Top defenders List of Pokémon by CP Moves PVP stats list. The best moves for Mewtwo are Confusion and Psystrike when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is also the best moveset for PVP battles.
Is Mewtwo a Legendary Pokemon?
Summary Mewtwo (Normal) is a legendary Psychic Pokémon. It is vulnerable to Bug, Dark and Ghost moves. “Mewtwo is a Pokémon that was created by genetic manipulation. However, even though the scientific power of humans created this Pokémon’s body, they failed to endow Mewtwo with a compassionate heart.”.
What is Mewtwo weak against?
Mewtwo is weak against… The best Pokemon to beat Mewtwo as efficiently as possible are Tyranitar, Houndoom, and Gyarados with a dark moveset. It also helps if you have a MewTwo already but perhaps that a bit greedy.
Is Armored Mewtwo coming to Pokémon Go?
N etflix subscribers can watch Armored Mewtwo star in Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution starting on Pokémon Day, February 27, and to celebrate, Armored Mewtwo will also be returning to Raid Battles for a short time in Pokémon GO! Be sure to check out the other exciting features of the Pokémon GO event for Pokémon Day.