Hoe noemen wij de bloem die groeide uit het bloed van hyakinthos?

Hoe noemen wij de bloem die groeide uit het bloed van hyakinthos?

Apollo schiep uit het bloed van Hyakinthos de bloem hyacint ter nagedachtenis aan zijn dood, en zijn tranen markeerden op de bloemblaadjes de letters αἰαῖ (‘aiai’), wat helaas betekent.

Hoe heet de Griekse god van de noordenwind?

Boreas (Grieks: Βορέας, Boréas, “de Noordelijke”) was de Griekse god van de noordenwind, in de Romeinse mythologie Aquilo genoemd. Hij was de zoon van Eos, de godin van de dageraad, en van Astraeus. Zijn broers waren Euros (de oostenwind), Notos (de zuidenwind) en Zephyros (de westenwind).

Waarom bloeit de hyacint zo kort?

Waarom de hyacint maar zo kort bloeit – Een Griekse mythe over de vriendschap tussen Hyacinthus en Apollo. Hyacinthus hield van Apollo en gaf aan hem de voorkeur boven ieder ander, en dat zette wel eens kwaad bloed. Ook de God van de Wind vergaf het hem niet en zon op een afstraffing.

What is Zephyr the god of in Greek mythology?

Zephyr in Greek Mythology. Zephyr, also called Zephyrus, was the god of the west wind in ancient Greek mythology. He was also the god of the spring and the interceder between the world of the living and the underworld. In classical Greek art Zephyrs was depicted as a dashing, winged young man.

What powers did Zephyr the wind have?

Zephyr was more known for his love affairs than his divine powers. Zephyr, also called Zephyrus, was the god of the west wind in ancient Greek mythology. He was also the god of the spring and the interceder between the world of the living and the underworld. In classical Greek art Zephyrs was depicted as a dashing, winged young man.

What happened to Zephyros in the Odyssey?

In myth Zephyros was a rival of the god Apollon for the love of Hyakinthos (Hyacinthus). One day he spied the pair playing a game of quoits in a meadow, and in a jealous rage, blew the disc off-course with a gust of wind, causing it to strike the boy in the head killing him instantly.

Who was the ruler of the winds in Greek mythology?

Aeolos was the ruler of the winds. Boreas was the god of the North Wind, Euros was the god of the East Wind, Notos was the god of the South Wind and Zephyr was the god of the West Wind. Charles Infosino is an authority on regional entertainment and author of “The Unofficial Guidebook to Paramount’s Kings Island.”

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