Hoeveel afleveringen heeft Seizoen 8 van de blacklist?

Hoeveel afleveringen heeft Seizoen 8 van de blacklist?


Seizoen Aantal afleveringen Uitgezonden
5 22 27 september 2017 – 16 mei 2018
6 22 3 januari 2019 – 17 mei 2019
7 19* 4 oktober 2019 – 15 mei 2020
8 22 13 november 2020 – 23 juni 2021

Wie is Raymond Reddington seizoen 6?

Met hulp van Jenifer en Sutton Ross komt ze erachter dat Raymond Reddington niet de echte Raymond Reddington is maar een bedrieger. In seizoen 6 gaan Elizabeth en Jenifer op onderzoek wie de Raymond die zij kennen echt is. Samen maken ze een plannetje zodat Reddington wordt opgepakt en hierdoor krijgt hij de doodstraf.

What happened to Liz on the blacklist?

The tragedy leaves Tom a widower and a single parent. NBC has yet to release a statement on the demise of Liz. There’s no official word yet if Megan Boone, who played Liz, is leaving the series for good. Megan is also pregnant in real-life with her first child. Anything can happen on TV, especially on a show like The Blacklist.

Is Megan Boone leaving the blacklist as Liz Boone?

There’s no official word yet if Megan Boone, who played Liz, is leaving the series for good. Megan is also pregnant in real-life with her first child. Anything can happen on TV, especially on a show like The Blacklist. Liz could have faked her death.

What happened on the blacklist on April 14?

We can’t believe what just happened on April 14 episode of The Blacklist. [SPOILER] was seemingly killed off the show, leaving fans shocked and confused. The Blacklist stars are speaking out about the tragic twist, but is the character off the show forever?

Is Meghan Markle pregnant on the blacklist?

Megan is also pregnant in real-life with her first child. Anything can happen on TV, especially on a show like The Blacklist. Liz could have faked her death. Ryan Eggold, who plays Tom, was just stunned by the twist.

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