Hoeveel uur Last of Us 2?
Niet alleen qua opzet, maar ook qua lengte van de game. Mijn eerste playthrough op Moderate difficulty duurde iets meer dan 23 uur waarna je – net als in de eerste Last of Us – een New Game+ optie krijgt. Tegen het eind van het verhaal bekroop mij het gevoel dat het iets te lang doorging.
Hoe lang duurt The Last of Us?
The Last of Us singleplayer duurt 12 tot 16 uur.
Hoe heet het hoofdkwartier van The Last of Us?
Vergeet het hippe hoofdkwartier van Starbucks en Amazon dat je kent uit documentaires, in The Last of Us 2 is Seattle een harde plek waar verschillende facties vechten om controle over de stad, maar vooral om simpelweg te overleven. Naughty Dog brengt die ellende opnieuw fenomenaal in beeld.
Where is Seattle in the last of Us Part 2?
The Last of Us Part II Seattle is a prominent location in The Last of Us Part II. The city is located in the state of Washington and it was formerly a Quarantine Zone run by FEDRA and the military.
How to get to the outpost in the last of US 2?
This The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough Seattle Day 1 – The Gate explains how to reach the outpost, get over the wall, and use the generator to get the gates open. It lists every collectible location including 6 Artifacts, 4 Trading Cards, and 1 Journal Entry. Head through the woods, following the natural path.
How to find Dina in the last of US 2 Chapter 3?
This The Last of Us 2 Walkthrough Chapter 3: Seattle Day 2 – Hillcrest provides tips for taking down WLF soldiers and all the collectible locations and notable areas including 10 Artifacts, 5 Trading Cards, and 1 Journal Entry, 2 Workbenches, and 1 Safe. Leave the theater and go to the Projector Room on the third floor to find Dina.
How do you get the WLF note in the last of US 2?
Have you played The Last of Us Part II? Go through the window of the Majestic laundromat. In the back office, you’ll find another artifact: a Join the WLF note. Head inside the Rosemont store and crawl through the hole in the back to circumvent the locked door and reach the basement which includes a workbench and other loot.