How do I create a hyperlink in a Word document?
Select the text or object you want to use as a hyperlink. Right-click and then click Hyperlink . Under Link to, click Place in This Document. In the list, select the heading or bookmark that you want to link to.
How to turn off the automatic hyperlinks feature in word?
Is there a way to turn off the automatic hyperlinks feature in Word completely? 1. First, click File at the top-left corner of Excel. Choose Options on the left side. 2. Switch to Proofing pane and click AutoCorrect Options… 3. Go to AutoFormat As You Type tab, uncheck the option Internet and network paths with hyperlinks under Replace as you type.
How to add hyperlink in AutoCAD?
1 Select the text or object you want to use as a hyperlink. 2 Right-click and then click Hyperlink . 3 Under Link to, click Place in This Document. 4 In the list, select the heading or bookmark that you want to link to.
How do I change the representation of hyperlinks in a document?
To change a representation of hyperlinks in a document, do the following: 1 On the File tab, click the Options button: 2 In the Word Options dialog box, on the Advanced tab, under Show document content, uncheck the Show field codes… More
Select the text you want to turn into a link. Right click on the selected text, point to the “Link” option, and then click the “Insert Link” command. In the Insert Hyperlink window, click the “Place In This Document” option on the left. On the right, you’ll see a list of bookmarks in the document.
How do I add a hyperlink to an email address?
Point to the “Link” option, and then click the “Insert Link” button. Select the “E-mail Address” option on the left of the Insert Hyperlink window. Type the email address you want to link to. Word automatically adds the “mailto:” text at the beginning of the address. This helps the link open in the reader’s default mail client.