How do I install USB loader GX on my Wii?
Extract USB Loader GX and put it in the apps folder on your USB drive or SD card. Insert your USB drive, and SD card if you’re using one, into your Wii and launch USB Loader GX from the Homebrew Channel.
How do I put games on my Wii from a USB?
Do not format it as other types such as extFS or WBFS, the latter is an old format of storing Wii games. Extract USB Loader GX and put it in the apps folder on your USB drive or SD card. Insert your USB drive, and SD card if you’re using one, into your Wii and launch USB Loader GX from the Homebrew Channel.
How to run usbusb loader GX as a homebrew application?
USB Loader GX will work as a Homebrew Application and can be launched from the Homebrew Channel. If you want to install a channel, you need another homebrew application: A WAD Manager. – Download a WAD Manager (for example Wad Manager 1.7, or WAD Manager GUI 1.5v2, or any other).
How to update USB loader GX manually?
Go to the Update menu in the Settings. If you don’t have Internet access or want to update USB Loader GX manually: – If you are using the Homebrew Application mode or Forwarder Channel mode: Download the latest package and replace the file appsusbloader_gxboot.dol present on your SD card by the one from the package.
Is there a guide to use USB loader GX app?
There is no “guide” to use the USB Loader GX app. This is intended to help you learn how to use it, by giving you a quick start. You should be able to figure out all the great features of USB Loader GX by using it.
What is the best format to store Wii games on USB?
Make sure your USB drive is formatted as FAT32 or NTFS. Do not format it as other types such as extFS or WBFS, the latter is an old format of storing Wii games. Instructions Downloading Extract USB Loader GX and put it in