How do Ward saves work in Warhammer?
Usualy in warhammer you have 2 defence rolls. One is Armor and one is a Ward save, Magic resist or parry. So if your Armor fails a ward save can keep you from damage. No one here has really answered you correctly… A ward save blocks all forms of attack, be it ranged, magical or melee, by the % mentioned.
How does defense work in Warhammer?
Usualy in warhammer you have 2 defence rolls. One is Armor and one is a Ward save, Magic resist or parry. So if your Armor fails a ward save can keep you from damage.
Do ward save blocks stack?
A ward save blocks all forms of attack, be it ranged, magical or melee, by the % mentioned. All ward blocks stack, so if you have a ward blocks of 20%, 10% & 35% then your total ward block will be 65%. Similarly, different blocks also stack.
What is the highest ward block in the game?
The highest ward block attainable in the unmodded vanilla version is with the Chaos Legendary hero Kholek. It is possible to attain 80% ward block, 10% physical resistance and 35% missile resistance, which makes him immune to missiles, block 90% of physical melee damage and 80% magical damage, all of which is further reduced through armour etc…
How does ward save work in twwh?
It is translated into TWWH in a very similar way. The ward save is a percent chance (for instance 25%) that ALL damage from a single attack or missile or spell will be ignored. That percent chance applies to every single attack that is made towards the unit/character with the ward save.
Is it possible for a warden save above 100%?
Kholek is the only one who can Ward save above 100%. Im not sure but i think he can even reach 110% if i remember right. Someone posted it here in the Steam forums some month ago. In the Tabletop 100% WS would mean he is invunerable. So its impossible there.