How do you get a Pikachu with Volt Tackle?
Breed a Pichu with Volt Tackle in order to get a Pikachu or Raichu with the move. Volt Tackle is a special move for the Pikachu family, but it can only be obtained by breeding a Pichu. You can then evolve that Pichu into a Pikachu or Raichu. Volt Tackle is only available in Pokémon Emerald and later.
Does Pikachu ever learn Volt Tackle?
Pikachu can NOT learn volt tackle by leveling up, however it can be born with volt tackle. The only way to have a pikachu to know volt tackle is to breed two raichu’s, one holding the light ball, they’ll lay an egg containing a pichu that knows volt tackle, evolve the pichu and you will have a pikachu with volt tackle.
Is Volt Tackle Pikachu’s strongest attack?
Volt Tackle is one of Pichu, Pikachu and Raichu ’s strongest attacks . It is learned by breeding a member of the Pikachu family with another one with a Light Ball. Volt Tackle is an Electric type move, with 120 power and 100 accuracy. It is also a Physical move.
What level does Pikachu learn “Volt Tackle”?
In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, Pichu can learn Volt Tackle at level 50 if it has at least 333 IQ points (7.5 stars). If this requirement is not met until after reaching level 50, Volt Tackle can be relearned at the Gulpin Link Shop. In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, Pikachu can learn Volt Tackle at Hawlucha’s Slam School by paying 10,000.
In order to get a Pikachu with Volt Tackle either parents of the baby pichu have to be holding a light Ball. EX: A Male Pikachu holding a light ball breeding with ditto will produce a pichu with volt tackle.
How do you breed a Pichu with Volt Tackle?
Steps Breed a Pichu with Volt Tackle in order to get a Pikachu or Raichu with the move. Find a Light Ball. Capture the Pokémon you need to breed a Pichu. Give one of the two Pokémon the Light Ball. Put both Pokémon into the Day Care Center. Walk around until the egg is laid. Hatch the egg from the Day Care. Use Volt Tackle with your Pichu.
How do you get Volt Tackle with light ball?
You get the move on the first breed, light ball on random female pikachu + 1×31 breeder. Then from there it keeps the move, making 2 pikachus to obtain it is simply dumb. Considering you want a perfect pikachu with volt tackle, lets say physical so 5×31, not mixed (not that I know but I’m assuming that).
How do you evolve Pichu into Pikachu or Raichu?
The new Pichu will know Volt Tackle, and you can evolve it into a Pikachu or Raichu if you’d like. Breed a Pichu with Volt Tackle in order to get a Pikachu or Raichu with the move. Volt Tackle is a special move for the Pikachu family, but it can only be obtained by breeding a Pichu.