How do you get Giratina in Pokémon Go?
Be very careful- there are level 50-70 Pokémon and Giratina is level 70. You need to have strong Pokémon who can survive until you get to Giratina. Healing items are recommended. Max Repels also work just fine. Thanks! wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors.
How do you get rid of Giratina?
Use Fire, Water, Electric, Bug, Grass and Poison type moves to get the health down slowly so you won’t make Giratina faint. Once it’s considerably weakened, you can either put it to sleep or you can just start throwing balls at it.
Where can I find Giratina’s Shadow Force?
This comes in use because Giratina’s move (Shadow Force) is also very powerful. Search the route for a passage called Spring Path. You will only be able to access this path after you receive the National Pokedex.
How do you get through the gym in Pokemon platinum?
To get through, Trainers need to rotate the platforms in a correct order to create a path. To follow the path however, the player has to battle various Trainers in the Gym. The Gym has exposed dynamos that use up a large amount of electrical power, prompting the city to renovate the pathways into solar energy collectors.
How do you get Giratina on Route 214?
You need to have the National Dex for the Spring Path to appear on Route 214 and in order to obtain Giratina. Bring Repels, Escape Ropes, Revives, and health potions.
What is the best strategy for catching Giratina?
Get its health down as much as you possibly can. It can be in the yellow, but getting it in the red is recommended. Try not to faint it. Ice, Ghost, Dragon and Dark type moves are very effective. Use Fire, Water, Electric, Bug, Grass and Poison type moves to get the health down slowly so you won’t make Giratina faint.
Where can I find a gift for Giratina?
Rock climb up then go around to the other side of the cliff then use Rock Climb again. You’ll get into Turnback Cave. Just keep going through rooms until you come across Giratina. After capturing him or Fainting him you’ll get a gift. Depending on how many rooms you go into to find him you’ll get a gift.