How do you get the Mystery Gift in Pokemon platinum?
How to activate Mystery Gift in Pokemon Platinum: 1. Go to Jubilife City. 2. Go to the TV Station building. 3. Head to the third floor of the building. 4. Speak to the guy around the lower part of area (The guy next to the blond-haired lady.
What is the Mystery Gift and how do I use it?
The ‘Mystery Gift’ is where you can redeem free Pokémon using codes made by Wish_z. and can be accessed in the ‘Menu’ section after defeating the first gym leader, Brock. Type in a valid code (codes which are unredeemed/not expired/correct spelling and case.
How do I get the Pokémon?
To receive the Pokémon, simply click on the label and the Pokémon will be sent to your Party. The codes mentioned below are forwarded from Wish_z’s twitter account ( @wishRBLX) or the Official Project: Pokémon Discord Server.
What is mymystery gift?
Mystery Gift is a feature that most people add but never really utilise. It gives the ability to receive gifts from Nintendo Events or from other games such as Pokémon Battle Revolution. However, with the inclusion of WiFi events such as giving the Secret Key to Obtain Rotom’s Forms, it looks like it will become used more prominently
How do you get Darkrai in Pokemon platinum?
A mystery gift in Pokémon Platinum can get you a member card, which you can use to sail to Fullmoon Island, where you can find Cresselia, and to Newmoon Island, where you can find Darkrai. If you want to get the mystery gift, see Step 1 to get started. Go to Jubilife City. Go to the TV station.
How do you get a Mystery Gift on DS?
The Get From Wireless is the most widely used Mystery Gift feature. Whenever you go to a Nintendo Event that is giving away Pokémon, Items or Pokétch Applications, it will be done over this feature. The DS will pick up the wireless signal that is being sent by the event machine and the Wonder Card will be sent