How do you get to Victory Road in Pokemon Emerald?
To reach Victory Road, you have to have all eight gym badges. Teach Waterfall to one of your pokémon, then surf south from Mossdeep City until you reach Route 128. Go east from there to reach the base of Ever Grande City. Go up to the waterfall in the north part of the area and use Waterfall to go up.
How to get to Evergrande city in Pokemon Emerald?
Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough Victory Road Head to where Team Aqua awakened Kyogre once again and head right of that area with a Pok�mon that knows Waterfall.. Head past the fisherman and you will run into a swimmer. Keep going to reach Evergrande City.
How do you get the Max Elixer on Victory Road?
Victory Road 1F From the entrance of Victory Road, if you want a Max Elixir, go north, then when you reach stairs, go left and north, then east. Go up the stairs, then go east across the bridges, and go down the stairs to find the Max Elixir. From there, jump down the ledge and go south, then west.
Entering the cave will bring you to Victory Road, the final dungeon-like area of the game before you take on the best trainers in the world at the Pokemon League, which is just on the other side of the cave.
How do you get to Route 224 in Pokemon South?
South Exit: Pokemon League. Access To: Route 224. Victory Road is located just north of Route 223 and connects through to the top of the Pok mon League. This cave is originally just a simple cave with strong trainers, but after the National Pok dex is earned, a new area opens up which allows access to Route 224.
What is victvictory Road in Pokémon Go?
Victory Road is a large, multi-floor cave, which requires the use of multiple HM moves to be fully explored. There are also multiple strong Trainers inside the Victory Road, testing the possible challengers before the Pokémon League.
How do you get to the breakable rock in Pokemon platinum?
What you need to do here is push the rock on the left down once, then circle around to the breakable rock below. Smash it, then push the same rock you just pushed down back up, and work your way through to the left. Push your way through yet again and fight a couple of more trainers.
How do you get to Route 224 in Pokemon HeartGold?
Victory Road (Sinnoh) After the Elite Four have been defeated, and the player has become the Champion and has the National Pokédex, a previously blocked path will be open, which leads to Route 224. Along the path, a young woman named Marley will need the player’s help to get through a foggy area of the cave.
How do you get to the champion of Sinnoh in Pokemon?
Victory Road (Japanese: チャンピオンロード Champion Road) is the final journey one must take before they can face the Elite Four and Champion of Sinnoh. Like the other Victory Roads from previous generations, there are three levels. In order to get through the cave, Surf, Strength, Rock Smash, Waterfall, and Rock Climb are required.
How do you get to the Ever Grande City in Pokemon Emerald?
Go east from there to reach the base of Ever Grande City. Go up to the waterfall in the north part of the area and use Waterfall to go up. Then you can go into the Pokémon Center in the east part of the area, and when you are ready you can go north into the entrance of Victory Road.