How do you play Bakugan?
Players choose their Bakugan capsules and cards and then battle to win gate cards. A battle occurs when both players have an open Bakugan on the same gate card. The winner of each round keeps the gate card until the end of the game. When one player has won three gate cards, they win the whole game.
What is a BakuTech Bakugan?
BakuTech is a Japanese exclusive series, so these Bakugan were only released in Japan. All of these Bakugan in this section are part of the BakuTech Convert System, which means they have parts that can be exchanged to customize the Bakugan.
What are the different types of Bakugan figures?
As well as basic Bakugan, figures are available in several color variations – Pearl, Translucent, Clear and Translucent with Pearl highlights. These figures were also available in Series 2 packages (with Series 2 – Set 1 cards). Series 2 introduced a new rule set, and new cards, but has the same marbles as Series 1 (28 mm).
What happened to the original Bakugan?
At the start of the series, only two full descendants of the original two remained, though all Bakugan are descendants of them. One day, strange cards with Bakugan inside of them, fell from the sky on Earth and Vestal, because the Silent Core was stolen and the Infinity Core fell to Earth, creating a rift between dimensions.
To start the game, each player places all their cards, Bakugan, Support Pieces and BakuNano and places them in an area on your right called the Unused Pile. This pile houses every piece that has not been used yet.
What are Bakugan reference cards and how do they work?
They come with Reference Cards, which are separate from your Ability Cards and Gate Cards. You must play a Mobile Assault that matches your Bakugan’s attribute. They are rolled on to Gate Cards like regular Bakugan are. Their Reference Cards contains symbols which correspond to the different types of Gate Cards.
How do you get mobile assault Bakugan cards?
Bakugan Mobile Assault are attached to Bakugan before the game begins. They come with Reference Cards, which are separate from your Ability Cards and Gate Cards. You must play a Mobile Assault that matches your Bakugan’s attribute. They are rolled on to Gate Cards like regular Bakugan are.