How good is Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution compared to Ninja Storm 3?
As I remember Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 was the first PC Platform and it was super slow. My frame rate dropped to 20 to 25 fps, and games of that caliber usually runs at 60 to 65 fps in my system.Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution is better than Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 in graphics , game play , and all the separate missions and stuff.
Should I play Storm 3 or Storm 3 Full Burst?
3 Fullburst. I recommend the 3 Full Burst for the fact that it is better at least in Story Mode I like both 3 because it was the first one I played on PC and the 4 for the change of Leader If you are a Naruto Fan then you should first play Storm 3. The Story of Storm 3 has like 12 or even 15 Hours.
What is the difference between Storm 3 and Storm 4 story mode?
Storm 4 Story start just after the end of Storm 3 story mode. Storm 3 has less chars than Storm 4, Storm 4 has the option to change the leader of your ninja team during the fight (you can t do that in Storm 3). Storm 3 has spectator mode during Tournament mode and endless battle mode, Storm 4 took that away.
Is Naruto Shippuden 4 too fast?
NSUNS 4 is out though. Its way too fast with normal setting and story line is freaking awesome too. Naruto Shippuden storyline is concluded and there are lot of after war game plays. You don’t need much adjustment provided you have a decent system.
Is Kushina Uzumaki in Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution?
Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution had a lot of new characters including separate original stories involving Mecha-Naruto, the origin of the Akatsuki. The second story features Shisui Uchiha from the time of his death. While a third story depicts depicts Kushina Uzumaki interacting with a young Obito and the rest of Team Minato.
What is the difference between Storm 3 and Revolution?
Storm 3 is more campaign mode oriented than revolution. Revolution doesnt have a story mode (barely). Storm 3 is more campaign mode oriented than revolution.
Will Storm 4 be better than Storm 3?
Storm 4’s counter also seems like it will be fine. The only thing IMO that Revolution even had that might make it in some way better than Storm 3 was the new characters, but that’s it. Storm 4 will have those anyway plus the end of the story, along with the old (better) system.
Should I play Storm 3 or revolution first?
Storm 3 has a decent story from after Pain to the start of the battle with Rinnegan Tobi. So get some Storm 3 lover’s opinion. I played hundreds of hours of Storm 3, but I personally enjoy Revolution more. “A person is very strong when he seeks to protect something. I’ll expect a good fight.” – Heathcliff Yeah I would recommend this one.
Which Storm game has the best roster?
Storm 3 had the best roster of new characters while Revolution has the worst. ShadowKunome posted… goodlyoak posted… The three types are completely stupid, but other than that nonsense Rev is better.