How old is Josie-Jo Ford in the Westing Game?
The Westing Game. JJ (Josie-Jo) Ford is a 42 year old African-American woman who lives in apartment 4D in Sunset Tower. She is a judge and has has served many judicial positions, such as the State Supreme Court, and the Appellate division.
Why did Judge Ford kill Sam Westing?
When Judge Ford was a child, she lived with Sam Westing. Her education was also funded by Sam Westing. Chris thinks his clues mean Judge Ford. Judge Ford might have killed Sam Westing because she thought it was his fault Violet Westing died.
What is the name of the judge in the Westing Game?
The The Westing Game quotes below are all either spoken by Judge Josie-Jo “J.J.” Ford or refer to Judge Josie-Jo “J.J.” Ford. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ).
What was JJ Ford’s partner’s name in the Westing Game?
JJ Ford. JJ Ford’s partner in the Westing Game is Sandy McSouthers. At first, she refuses to play the game, but Sandy begs her, and she agrees. They received the clues “SKIES AM SHINING BROTHER.”. Ford thought that “skies” meant Dr, Sydney Sikes, a witness to the will, and AM B roth ER meant Otis Amber.
What does Judge Ford say about Plum in Westing Game?
Judge J.J. Ford —whose given name is Josie-Jo—wonders why Plum, a young, inexperienced lawyer, is handling Westing’s estate. Angela… (full context) Judge Ford declares that she is also appalled. Sydelle asks Plum to continue.
What happened to Sandy in the Westing Game?
At the second will reading, Sandy apparently kills himself, and then the judge finds out that he was really Sam Westing. After the Westing Game JJ Ford gets appointed to the United States Supreme Court.