Is Android 16 a boy or girl?

Is Android 16 a boy or girl?

Android 17 asks Android 16 if he understands, since he was created from a human male too. Android 16 then reveals that he was never a human, making him fundamentally different from Android 17 and Android 18.

Is Android 17 a boy or girl?

Appearance. Android 18 and Android 17 Android 17 is a handsome fair-skinned young man with a similar appearance to his fraternal twin sister.

Is Android 16 a bad guy?

Android 16 is one of Dr. Gero’s Red Ribbon Androids. He was an antagonist turned supporting protagonist in the Androids arc. Apart from Cell himself, Android 16 is the strongest of all of Dr. Gero’s Androids at least prior to Dragon Ball Super. He can fly, use Ki Energy, is superhumanly strong, fast and durable.

Is Android 17 now human?

Android #17 is still alive because he was wished back to life with the Dragon Balls. When Cell destroyed himself on Kaio’s Planet, #17 was killed. After Super Perfect Cell was defeated by Gohan, Kuririn (Krillin) used the Dragon Balls to wish #17 back to life along with the many other lives lost due to Cell.

Is Android 19 a boy?

He reveals that one of the groups consisted of an old man and fat ashen man, referring to Android 20 and 19, while the other group was a boy with black hair and a girl with blonde hair referring Android 17 and 18.

Is Android 16 a cyborg?

Android #16: Pure android. Android #17-#18: Everybody knows them. They are cyborgs. Android #19: Pure robot.

Is Android 21 a canon?

Android 21 was revealed to be included as a special appearance in Kakarot, and her new tie to the official canon of the series is that she’s a young researcher that was recruited to help Bulma’s father whip up a new kind of training machine.

Does krillin get married?

In the 7 years between the Cell saga and the Buu saga, Android 18 and Krillin got married and had a kid. Until Dragon Ball Super, they apparently lived with Master Roshi in the Kame house. Whatever the reason for this strange dynamic, we’ll never know.

Are Android 17 and 18 cyborgs?

Although #8, #17, #18, and #20 (Dr. Gero) are called androids, they are actually cyborgs. Cyborgs, being short for Cybernetic Organism. Androids, like 17 and 18, are not required to eat but must hydrate which results in them living longer than normal humans.

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