Is ethidium bromide a teratogen?
Ethidium bromide is genotoxic, a frame-shift mutagen and teratogen. This is fact, determined by in vitro tests on various cultured cell lines and embryo systems that showed ethidium bromide can cause things like frame-shift mutations, chromosomal recombination, arrested cell division and developmental problems.
What are the exposure routes of ethidium bromide?
Exposure routes of ethidium bromide are inhalation, ingestion, and skin absorption. An acute exposure to ethidium bromide causes irritation of the mouth, upper respiratory tract, skin, and eyes.
Is ethidium bromide a carcinogen to cattle?
In fact there is no direct evidence implicating ethidium bromide as a carcinogen in any animal. For many years, ethidium bromide has been routinely administered for the treatment of African Sleeping Sickness in cattle.
What can I use instead of ethidium bromide?
Alternatively, ethidium bromide can be replaced with less toxic and mutagenic substances, such as SYBR Green I/II or Sybr®Safe. These products are widely used as alternatives to ethidium bromide and do not require special handling for disposal.
Is ethidium bromide safe to bathe in?
While I don’t for a minute think that we should all throw our gloves away and bathe in the stuff, I think that it’s time for an informed reality check about the dangers, and the myths about ethidium bromide. Ethidium bromide is genotoxic, a frame-shift mutagen and teratogen.
What is the best way to dispose of ethidium bromide?
Handling and disposal. The disposal of laboratory ethidium bromide remains a controversial subject. Ethidium bromide can be degraded chemically, or collected and incinerated. It is common for ethidium bromide waste below a mandated concentration to be disposed of normally (such as pouring it down a drain).